Get to know the Process Analysis Tool of the Future on 10/04/25

Get an impression of our analysis dashboard for yourself in our regular live webinars and find out how you too can digitize your manual work processes using process indicators.

MPI software for evaluating movement data

Dive into the heart of our process analyses with us and learn about the wide range of options offered by MotionMiners PROCESS INTELLIGENCE (MPI for short). With the help of our AI-powered MPI software, you get visual insights into your manual work processes. The data is anonymized using motion sensors (Our hardware) included.

Find out more here.

Real process data brings process transparency for the first time

In this webinar, we pay particular attention to so-called “operational data matching”. We will show you how you can dive even deeper into your processes by combining Motion-Mining® data with your existing data (WMS, TMS, ERP or MES data) from your systems. The ZUFALL logistics group is already a successful user of this feature.

Read in this press release, which optimization options the matching of operating data has brought about at ZUFALL logistics Group.

10.04.2025 | 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Register now for the next webinar!

In our webinar “How to MPI — Operational Data Matching”, discover how to use Motion-Mining® and the analysis dashboard (MPI) to analyze your processes, combine our data with your existing operating data and implement fact-based optimizations.

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Interested? Discover the MPI in a product demo.

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