Ergonomics in the workplace

Ergonomics in the workplace: How modern technologies and proven practices improve the working world in logistics

Ergonomics are essential in the modern working world to promote health and productivity. Through optimal workplace design and the use of innovative technologies, health risks can be minimized and efficiency increased.

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The relevance of ergonomics in the modern working world

At a time when work intensity is constantly increasing and the health of employees is becoming more and more important, the topic of ergonomics is becoming increasingly important. As a key factor for performance and well-being Workplace ergonomics is concerned with adapting the work environment to the physical and psychological needs of people. This concept goes far beyond comfortable office chairs or height-adjustable desks and is also becoming increasingly important on the industrial shop floor, which is characterized by manual work processes. It includes a holistic view of work processes with the aim of promoting employee health and increasing efficiency.

According to the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) for years, musculoskeletal disorders have been the main cause of most days of incapacity to work in Germany, with the back, shoulders, neck and arms being affected in particular. These illnesses not only cause personal suffering, but also economic damage due to productivity losses and high medical costs. Companies should regard the design or furnishing of ergonomic workplaces as necessary and not optional in order to prevent or even prevent health problems. Against this background, we are committed to improving jobs by using innovative technologies, such as Motion-Mining® technology

Key insights

  1. “Musculoskeletal disorders (MSE) are the main cause of incapacity to work in Germany, resulting in around 70 million lost working days per year
    (Source: BAuA).”
  1. Back pain: 80% of people in Germany suffer from back pain at least once in their lifetime. (

Basics of workplace ergonomics

What is ergonomics and why is it important?

Ergonomics is the science of adapting work to people. The aim of this discipline is to design work environments, systems and practices that promote the performance, safety, and well-being of workers. In an ergonomically optimized work environment, workers can work more efficiently and comfortably, which improves both their health and productivity. According to a study by Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA ergonomic improvements in the workplace can increase productivity by up to 25% and significantly reduce the costs of lost work.

Common ergonomic problems in logistics

In the logistics sector, repetitive tasks and handling heavy loads often lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Statistics show that musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common causes of long-term illnesses and premature disability. In particular, lifting and carrying heavy loads without ergonomic aids can lead to back pain and other physical complaints.

Ergonomic design of workplaces

Designing an ergonomic workplace starts with a thorough assessment of existing working conditions and the specific tasks that are being carried out. It is important to design workplaces in such a way that they match the body's natural movements and avoid overwork. Here is a selection of effective strategies:

  • Investment in height-adjustable workbenches and industrial chairs:
    This enables employees to adjust their workstations according to individual needs, promotes a natural posture and reduces the risk of tension and injuries.
  • Use of ergonomic mats:
    Ergonomic mats reduce joint stress and increase comfort at work. As a result, they reduce fatigue and physical complaints, which ultimately increases productivity.
  • Provide ergonomic tools:
    Ergonomic keyboards, mice, and other tools can minimize stress on hands and wrists. Lifting aids and wheeled means of transport are also essential in logistics to safely move heavy loads.
  • Encourage regular breaks:
    Short, regular breaks enable employees to recover from monotonous movements and improve blood circulation. This can be supported by implementing software that reminds of regular breaks

The importance of technology in promoting ergonomic working conditions

MotionMiners solutions to improve ergonomics

We address these issues through innovative technologies, which are based on the collection and analysis of movement data. The developed Motion-Mining® technology uses wearables to collect data, which is then analyzed to identify inefficient and potentially harmful movement patterns. With this data, companies can introduce targeted measures to improve working conditions. This technology has already led to a measurable reduction in ergonomic loads in several logistics centers and at the same time improved overall job satisfaction.

Ergonomics in the workplace: A key to sustainable performance improvement

Ergonomic measures in the workplace not only improve the health and well-being of employees, but also improve their performance. These measures offer a wide range of health and operational benefits. The main results and consequences of ergonomic workplace design are presented below:

Reduced absenteeism:

Ergonomic measures can prevent work-related illnesses and injuries that result in high absenteeism and costs for companies. By ergonomically designing workplaces and training employees in ergonomic work techniques, companies can significantly reduce these absences.

Increased productivity:

Ergonomic workplaces enable employees to work more efficiently and with greater concentration. This leads to an increase in productivity and the quality of work.

Improved employee satisfaction and motivation:

Appreciation towards employees contributes to a positive working environment. This leads to higher employee satisfaction and motivation, which in turn has a positive effect on performance.

Lower turnover rate:

Companies can report lower turnover rates as happy and healthy employees remain loyal to the company for longer. This saves costs for recruiting and onboarding new employees.

Increased image of the company:

Ergonomics in the workplace shows that the health and well-being of its employees is important to a company. This can lead to a positive image of the company and position it as an attractive employer.

Tools for ergonomic workplace design: exoskeletons in industry

DB Schenker and Ottobock fighting back pain in logistics

In order to improve the working conditions of its employees and to strengthen health and performance, DB Schenker, one of the world's leading logistics service providers, has teamed up with SUITX by Ottobock, a leading manufacturer of medical technology. In common they have exoskeletons integrated into the daily work of employees.

First, the usability of the exoskeletons was tested in a pilot study at various locations. The results were positive. Employees reported a significant reduction in back strain and an improvement in well-being. As a result of the success of the pilot study, the exoskeletons were introduced into regular operation. They are now in use at over 100 locations worldwide. The scores speak for themselves: Absenteeism was reduced by up to 25%, employee satisfaction improved and productivity increased.

In-depth information on Bionic Analytics and Motion-Mining® technology

For detailed information about the benefits and profound effects of exoskeletons, we recommend our Onepager to Bionic Analytics. In addition, the following videos provide a comprehensive analysis of Motion-Mining® technology:

Introduction to Bionic Analytics — This video provides a comprehensive introduction to Bionic Analytics and shows how Motion-Mining® data optimize the use of exoskeletons.

Insights from Motion-Mining® — Here you can find out how Motion-Mining® data helps to measure and further develop the effectiveness of exoskeletons.

In addition, you can find more information and detailed insights into the insights gained from Motion-Mining® data in our blog post. These resources illustrate how precise data analysis optimally develops the actual effect of exoskeletons.

Challenges and costs of implementing ergonomic measures

It is important to be aware that these measures also involve various challenges and costs. These can range from initial investment costs to employee training to adapting existing processes. Some of the key challenges and costs that must be considered when introducing ergonomic measures are explained below.

Purchase and installation costs

The first challenge is immediate costs. High-quality ergonomic devices and aids are often more expensive than standard equipment. In addition, there may be additional costs for installing and adapting workstations to the individual needs of employees.

Introduction and training of employees:

New ergonomic devices and aids often require a period of familiarization. Employees must be trained how to use the new devices correctly in order to get maximum benefit from them. This can mean additional effort and costs for training and introductory workshops.

Individual adjustment:

It can be a challenge to find the right solutions for each individual and to adapt them accordingly. This requires close analysis and possibly several rounds of adjustment.

Integration into existing processes:

The introduction of new ergonomic devices can influence existing work processes. It may be necessary to adapt or redesign processes in order to optimally integrate ergonomic measures, which means additional planning effort and possibly also short-term efficiency losses.

Conclusion: The path to better workplace ergonomics with MotionMiners

The continuous improvement of workplace ergonomics requires innovative technological solutions and a deep understanding of human work processes. With Motion-Mining®, we combine both to transform work environments and increase employee health and productivity.

We are convinced that every workplace has the potential to be ergonomically optimized. We invite companies to contact us and learn more about how our technologies and expertise can help them improve their work environments. Start the conversation today and take the first step towards a healthier, more productive workplace.

By prioritizing ergonomics, we contribute to a culture that sees health and wellbeing as essential components of career success. Let us shape the working world of tomorrow together — a world in which ergonomic principles are not only applied but form the core of every corporate strategy.


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